Jeroen Huisman | Sculptures
works - sculptures
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light sculptures - the family of plastoids
In 2012 I began making light sculptures, from the idea of tranforming recycled plastic waste into form. I made several so called ''Plastoids'', sculptures with a core of plastic waste and led light inside, transformed with heat and then sculpting the outward shell of the form with a thermoplastic material: hotglue. I always use a yellowish waxy type of hotglue sticks that have an attractive organic transparency. These works often radiate small deep ocean life.
hot glue
From working with the hotglue pistol a whole new series of light sculptures emerged. With the use of a metal structure with a turning base (the vertical builder) I make mostly vertical sculptures. While turning the object I apply thermoplastic material ''line on line'', a bit like how a 3D printer works. This technique of drawing lines by hand results in very organic shaped sculptures, most reminiscent of fungi, shells and situations of a geological nature.
The work is very time-consuming and therefore has a lot to do with the passage of time, which is visual by its ''tree-ring'' like texture.

Another series of hotglue works are squares or rectangles filled with chaotic patterns with shapes mostly reminiscent of mysterious ocean bottoms.
3d pen
A further evolution of the sculpting process with hotglue was the use of the thermoplastic material PLA,  polylactic acid, a bio plastic. This material comes as a filament (wire) on a spindle, which I apply with a so called 3D pen. Most of the time I use near transparent material, which can be externally illuminated by electral light or the sun. The sculpting method is ''line over line'' or ''dot on dot''.
here are a few examples:
''testudine 1'' - 2024 | thermoplast PLA | 3d pencil sculpting
''testudine 1'' - 2024 | top view
''testudine 1'' - 2024 | side view
''supra vi'' - 2023 | thermoplast PLA | 3d pencil sculpting
''supra vi'' - 2023
''Plastoid Ypostatos Pecarios 1'' - 2015 | recycled plastic | thermo-plast | LED light | hotglue sculpting
''testudine 2'' - 2024 | thermoplast PLA | 3d pencil sculpting
''testudine 2''
''amplissimum cum longis'' - 2018 | recycled plastic waste | led light hotglue sculpting
''crescendo'' - 2023/24 | thermoplast PLA | 3d pencil sculpting
''crescendo'' - top view
''postatos pecuarios plastoid 2'' - 2015 | recycled plastic waste | led light | hotglue sculpting
''entropy membrane'' - 2023 | 3 mm thick themoplast sculpture on glass | 3d pencil sculpting
''turrim plastoid'' - 2017 / 2018 | build on the vertical builder | hotglue sculpting
''turrim plastoid'' - 2017 /18 | hot glue sculpting
''plana amet plastoid - artoll version'' - bedburg hau (d) 2018
hot glue sculpting | led light
''the basement plastoid / fundamentum plastoid'' - einbeck (d) - 2019 led light | hotglue sculpting
''leoninus plastoid'' - 2020 | externally illuminated sculpture
3d pencil sculpting | PLA
leoninus plastoid - 2020
''citronocephanlice (sigisimo)'' - 2015 | recycled plastic | thermoplast PLA | hotglue & 3d pencil sculpting
small externally illuminated 3d pen sculpture - 2020
recycled print cartridge applied with 3d pen sculpting
''pullulant'' - 2018 | ceramics | 3d pen sculpting
''pullulant'' - 2018
''snail language translator device v1'' - 2015 | assembled sculpture
''snail language translator device v2'' - 2023 | assembled sculpture artist impression
'''toilet-roll plastoid'' - 2016 | hot glue sculpting
''gurgite'' - 2024 | hot glue sculpting | recycled ink catridge | plaster wood
''jerusalem artichoke'' - 2016 | hot glue sculpting'
''erexit quadratum plastoid'' - 2023 | hotglue sculpting | acrylic resin LED light | dispersion
''entropy transparent'' - 2018 | 3d pen sculpting | spurensicherung artoll | bedburg hau (d)

© 2023 Jeroen Huisman. None of the photographs, writing and audiovisual content included on this website may be reproduced or used without the artist's permission. All rights reserved.


fine art | photography | the netherlands projects news works archive home contact about projects news works archive home contact about projects news works archive home contact about projects news works archive home contact about projects news works archive home contact about projects news works archive home contact about

17 - 25 may 2024 - acts of unpredictability - younik gallery - arnhem >

8 - 12 may 2024 - handlungen der unvorhersehbarkeit
- stadtpartie einbeck (d) >

dec 2023 - jan 2024 younik gallery - arnhem >

16 and 17 september 2023 - Soundscape - Entertuinment Foundation >

22 - 2023 - work in
progress - transformation workspace >

september 2022 - spiegel van de boom - outdoor expo - arnhem >

march 2022 - art auction ukraine - artists for ukraine - arnhem >

july 18 - september 12 2021 - out of the blue, into the green - overasselt >

october 2020 - march 2021 - solarcircle >

june 8 - august 28 2020 - art behind the window - art route - arnhem >

january - february 2020 - scanning a piece of unknown land - omstand >

august - december 2019 - toxic bunker - omstand - arnhem >

april - may 2019 - acts of capriciousness - stadtpartie festival - einbeck (d) >

january 2019 - working period ''basement plastoid'' - einbeck (d) >

january 2019 - contested space project - art nuyens - b53 - arnhem >

december 2018 - modulised bagpipes - pnem soundart festival - uden >

december 2018 - islands/eilanden - b53 - arnhem >

november 2018 - birth of a plastoid - walpoden akademie - mainz (d) >

oktober 2018 - kunst op de koffie kalender - arnhem >

september 2018 - basement plastoid - einbeck (d) >

august 2018 - music route winssen >

august 2018 - passing
dijkmagazijn - winssen >

may 6 - 27 2018 - selfportraits - gallery b53 - arnhem >

april 19 - may 19 2018 - circa...dit arnhem - spurensicherung >

march 1 - 11 2017 - artresicency artoll kunstlabor - bedburg hau (d) >

february 2018 - galerie de vijf ramen arnhem >

january 26 2018 arnhemse uitnacht >

dec 2017 - national gallery of macedonia - skopje - galichnik 2015 exhibition >

december 15 2017 - january 7 2018 - wish - museum romeinse katakomben >

sept 29 - october 8 2017 - denkmal kunst festival - einbeck (d) >

sept 4 - sept 10 2017 - occupied artspace - lunen (d) >

june - july 2017 - gallery vm23 - last dance >

january - february 2017 - digesting light installation vm23 >

oktober 2016 - open studio 2 - vm23 >

july 8 - august 21 2016 - zomer aan de roosloot - zadr >

july 10 - sept. 18 2016 - iconomclasm - vm23 >

july 15, 16, 17 2016 flamma! museum katakomben >

december 12 '15 -
january 10 2016
vm23 >

december 11 -
december 20 2015
museum romeinse
katakomben >

october 16 - 25 '15 -
virtual landfill - kunst 10 daagse bergen 2015 >

september 4 -
october 4 2015
duende - vm23 >

august 18 - 25 '15 -
art residency galichnik 2015 >

june 28 - sept. 6 '15 soundscape II
espace enny >

may 24, 25 2015 -
kunst en landschap
twente airport >

april 30 2015 -
J/J Spaces Amsterdam >

october 2014 -
kunst10daagse bergen >

july 2014 -
triennale di milano - group expo >

january 2014 -
wanderlust - year covering video project >

october 2013 -
five photos in collection MuFoCo >

june 2013 -
gezi park action - frustrated file no. 1 >

april 2013 -
6x6 - 2013 ro co art centre new york >

january 2013 -
dutch consulate milan, italy >

december 2012 -
group show
chie art gallery
milan, italy >

june 2012 -
group show photoplace galery, middlebury, usa >

may 2011 - commissioned photoset for plastic company polyvel >

april 2011 -
ini tiny exhibition at ''de aanschouw'' rotterdam >

february & march 2011 - prepared polaroid, ''cucosa'' rotterdam >

december 2010 - black light expo at "tape" arnhem >

november 2010 - ''perrongeluk'' railway exhibition >

october 2010 - biennial gelderland museum valkhof nijmegen >